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(Long Awaited) Custom Characters in Sleuth JS!
Ten years ago, I created a conversion of the brilliant "Sleuth" that runs in browsers. It was always missing the custom character f…
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A ZX-Next Dev Environment on the M1 Mac with VS Code
A ZX Next development env on the M1 Mac
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A Programmer's Hierarchy of Needs
A lot of people are familiar with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs - the idea that we have basic needs which must be met before others c…
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Parentheses and Quotes in Bash
The use of parentheses and quotes in Bash can be quite confusing. Here is a quick guide.
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COBOL is 60. Let's give it a REST framework for its birthday
It may seem incredible, but COBOL was first specified in 1959, before commercially available silicon transistors. To celebrate 60 y…
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Questionable Coding Concepts - Episode 1. Variable Variables
In this first of a new series of articles on the dodgiest of dodgy programming language features, we discover 'variable variables',…
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Learning Languages through Text Adventure Programming
I love a good text adventure. Some of the first games I played were early 8-bit texties. Like radio vs. television, the pictures we…
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Riker, as a service
Just like every other sane person on the face of the Earth, I’m a big fan of Commander Riker, from Star Trek. Since the release of …
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Getting 'Yellow River Kingdom' Working on RISC OS Pico
I recently got my copy of RISC OS Pico, and the very first thing that I wanted to try was running some software from the BBC Welcom…
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Finding the Minimum Set of Languages to Learn All Programming Paradigms
Earlier this evening, I was wondering how easy it would be to learn (or experience) *every* programming paradigm out there. I've tr…
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Sleuth (DOS Game from the 80s) reinterpreted in Javascript!
I'm sure lots of you out there remember the excellent DOS game Sleuth, which was written by Eric N. Miller in the 1980s. I absolute…
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